Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

21 records for Notemigonus crysoleucas in Nash County.

1501305LeuciscidaeTrib. of Tar R., 2.5 mi. N of Rocky MountNash35.978273-77.7835726/27/1946Edward Raney; Ernest Lachner; Robert RossCUMVTracy et al.
1589111LeuciscidaeToisnot Swp, SR 1945Nash35.81833333-78.031388896/5/1991NCDWRTracy et al.
1590721LeuciscidaeBig Peachtree Cr, SR 1310Nash36.03166667-78.076388892/4/1993NCDWRTracy et al.
1600911LeuciscidaeSapony Cr, SR 1145Nash35.924601-78.0475014/2/1997NCDWRTracy et al.
16009712LeuciscidaeBig Peachtree Cr, SR 1321Nash36.04777778-78.096666674/3/1997NCDWRTracy et al.
1614712LeuciscidaeTurkey Cr, SR 1131Nash35.833514-78.166254/5/2000NCDWRTracy et al.
1622356LeuciscidaePig Basket Cr, SR 1433Nash35.998747-77.9436444/18/2002NCDWRTracy et al.
1622361LeuciscidaeSapony Cr, SR 1145Nash35.924601-78.0475014/18/2002NCDWRTracy et al.
1647996LeuciscidaeCrooked Swp, SR 1501Nash36.1331-77.880944/11/2007NCDWRTracy et al.
17021510LeuciscidaeLittle Sapony Creek, on US 64, [ca. 5.3] kilometers W NashvilleNash35.96808-78.02477264Joseph R. Bailey, E.C. HornNCSMTracy et al.
17146015LeuciscidaeTurkey Creek, SR 231 bridge, [ca. 5.4 air] miles [NNE center] Middlesex, [ca. 17.6 air miles NW center Wilson]Nash35.86596-78.17717743NCWRC (Smith)NCSMTracy et al.
1721501Leuciscidae[Big] Peachtree Creek, at SR 1310 [Edwards Road], 3.7 air miles SSW Castalia, [ca. 7.3 air miles NW center Nashville]Nash36.03167-78.0763855Vince P. Schneider, Mark Hale, Dave L. Penrose, D BowdenNCSMTracy et al.
1721872LeuciscidaeBig Branch, 3.0 miles [NW] of Bailey, [ca. 27.5 air miles E center Raleigh]Nash35.81626-78.14968109NCWRCNCSMTracy et al.
1730001LeuciscidaeToisnot Swamp, at SR 1945 [Old Smithfield Road], 5.4 air miles NE Bailey, [ca. 9.1 air miles NW center Wilson]Nash35.81833-78.03138733Vince P. Schneider, J Fisher, P Low, G PriceNCSMTracy et al.
1777553LeuciscidaeBasket Creek at SSR 1004 [Taylors Store Road], 2.2 air miles NNW center NashvilleNash36.0044-77.98169708RW MaysNCSMTracy et al.
1827731LeuciscidaeSapony Creek at SR 1145 [Old Spring Hope Road], [ca. 3.7 air miles SE Spring Hope]Nash35.92445-78.0486145Bryn H. Tracy, Eric Fleek, Mark Hale, Tracy MormanNCSMTracy et al.
1840763LeuciscidaeToisnot Swamp, NC 97 [?=SR 1945/Old Smithfield Road] bridge, [ca. 2.8 air] miles [SSW] of Stricklands Crossroads, [ca. 9.1 air miles NW center Wilson], [see remarks]Nash35.81833-78.03125NCWRCNCSMTracy et al.
1889252LeuciscidaeBeach Branch at SSR 1525 [Hart Farm Road] bridge near junction SSR 1524[Red Oak Battleboro Road], 2.25 air miles SE Gold HillNash36.0391-77.79969788William M. Palmer and EM SmithNCSMTracy et al.
1902262LeuciscidaeSwift Creek at SR 1310 [Taylors Gin Road], 3.5 air miles SE AventonNash36.1116-77.92099762M Wicker, P Low, G Price, D VogtNCSMTracy et al.
1960451LeuciscidaeNash; Tar River at Hunter Hill Rd, 2.6 km S of West Mount (Easonburg)Nash35.8994444-77.8658333S.L. Powers, D.A. NeelyUAICTracy et al.
1993111LeuciscidaeTar River, northeast of StanhopeNash35.887222-78.0697228/16/1997US EPA EMAP ProgramUSNMTracy et al.